56 research outputs found

    Public Value Creation through Smart Cities Mobility

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    ICT-enabled incremental innovations can aid governments in service delivery and in improving stakeholder engagement. In the 21st century context of explosive urban population growth and strained public finances, public managers have been tasked with devising new tools and strategies to address the byproducts of these developments, one of which is the increased challenge of urban mobility. This study explores to what extent, and in which ways, public value is created in smart city mobility projects. We tested the applicability of several conceptual models in different contexts, to analyze four microtransit pilot projects: two from the United States and two from Brazil. Data was collected via secondary sources and in-depth interviews with public and private sector managers directly involved in these projects. The findings reveal evidence that public-private partnerships contribute to public value creation in smart city mobility contexts

    The perceptions of Brazilian IS researchers about scientific journals, academic reviewing and ethical issues concerning publication

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    This paper presents preliminary results of a survey with Brazilian Information Systems researchers with respect to their experience as writers and reviewers of academic papers for scientific journals. Operational and ethical issues were addressed with the purpose of collecting material that could lead to debate among researchers on how to improve scientific reviewing and publication strategies in the country’s journals. At this stage, very preliminary results are analyzed, considering that data collection is still under way. However, a few concerns could already be raised and trends depicted. In order to guide the analysis, the perspectives of a few authors that distinguish the pragmatic behavior, the ethical behavior and the moral behavior were taken into account, as it is believed that they help understand the pressures to which researchers are submitted these days. In that sense, the problem of ethics in research was included in the discussion, based on the reflection of certain contemporary philosophers about the reasons for a modernity ethics crisis, related to the rule of instrumental rationality


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    The evolution of Information Technology (IT) stimulates several changes in citizen’s profiles and government openness. It generates new demands whose operationalization depends on IT solutions. Managing IT is no longer enough; it is necessary to go one step further in governance process. IT Governance (ITG) can support the organizational decision-making on its IT initiatives, increasing the alignment IT/business. The goal is to understand how ITG influences the behaviour of individuals within organizations. We selected Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) concept to analyse individuals’ voluntary commitment within an organization that is not part of their contractual tasks. Our premise is that ITG acts on the antecedents of the organizational citizenship behaviour such as job satisfaction and rewards perception. The research was conducted through a focus group made up of the members of an IT State Governance Committee in Brazil. Questions based on OCB were discussed in order to understand the behavioural changes expectations along the ITG mechanisms adoption. The preliminary results showed that citizenship behaviour could improve because of the ITG process. Based on the results, we proposed a preliminary conceptual model, which will be tested in the next steps through a survey research in all Brazilian states

    Electronic Government: Narrowing the Information Systems research field

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    This paper aims to analyze how electronic government research field is established by using Agarwal and Lucas Jr. (2005)’ concepts. Drawing on a review of the full set of articles published in Government Information Quarterly (GIS) over the past five years, we argue that there is a lack of balance between micro and macro studies in IS field. We also found greater efforts in micro-focused studies in IT artifacts

    What is in or out of a particular field of knowledge? Reflections on IT Governance Studies

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    The goal of this research is to understand the conceptualization of IT Corporate Governance (ITCG) and discuss the dichotomy and sometimes paradoxical approach between the definitions in literature and what is included as part of IT Governance field. The data collection has been conducted through a systematic research of ProQuest databases. As a result, 536 publications have been found between 1983 and 2014 with the search terms. Through content analysis, the research has been refined to a group of 457 articles published between 1995 and 2014, considering nature of research, base theories, research strategy, and use of basic concepts. The results show that numerous studies are not using ITCG theory as a foundation to support their arguments. Only 110 publications deal with the context and definition of the seminal concepts. As a result of content analysis it is observed that 237 publications could be considered as inclusion errors because they do not address enough artifacts to be worked as the subject of IT Governance, most of them portray of best practice models in a conceptual basis. Through the preliminary results, it is possible to think about the extent to which these basic concepts even are enough to what is being researched as IT Governance, or at what point the researches has indeed addressed the proposed subject


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    This paper presents the results of a descriptive qualitative study, based on data gathered from a previous quantitative study, which had raised several issues about the scientific development of the Information Management area in Brazil after the bibliometric analysis of all papers selected for presentation at the Enanpad conference during the last 10 years. Standout researchers in the field were invited to give their interpretations to the results of the bibliometric study and 39 agreed to do it. An attempt was made here to capture the critical look of these colleagues about authorship, the types of references used in the papers, the main events whose proceedings were referred by the authors of Enanpad papers, the main journals used in their research, the most frequently quoted foreign authors and the frequency of citation of authors in references. Capes role in consolidating research tracks and the level of maturity of the area were also assessed by the participants. In general, the participants have an optimistic perception of the way Information Management is developing in the Brazilian academia. They found encouraging explanations for several of the bibliometric study's findings about which they were invited to provide their opinion, which could have been considered negative by more pessimistic observers.El presente trabajo es resultado de una investigación cualitativa, de esencia descriptiva, basada en una investigación cuantitativa anterior, que había levantado una serie de cuestiones sobre la producción científica en Administración de la Información (ADI) en Brasil, a partir del análisis bibliométrico de artículos seleccionados para presentación en el Enanpad en los últimos 10 años. Tais cuestiones fueron expuestas a los 55 investigadores con mayor índice de producción en el área, en el periodo de 1997 a 2006, de los cuales 39 acordaron suministrar su interpretación de los resultados de aquel estudio bibliométrico. Se buscó sintetizar la mirada crítica de esos colegas sobre la cuestión de la autoría de los trabajos, los tipos de obras incluidos en las citaciones de los artículos, los principales eventos en cuyos anales los autores buscan soporte para sus investigaciones, los periódicos más utilizados, la edad de las referencias empleadas, los autores extranjeros más citados y la frecuencia de citación de autores de referencias. El papel desempeñado por la CAPES, la consolidación de líneas de pesquisa y el nivel de madurez del área también fueron destacados por los investigadores en ADI. Por regla general, los investigadores consultados demostraron poseer una visión optimista sobre el desarrollo de ese área de estudios en Administración en Brasil, encontrando explicaciones alentadoras para muchos de los hallazgos de la investigación bibliométrica sobre la que fueron llevados a opinar, los cuales podrían ser considerados negativos en un análisis menos profunda y reflexiva.O presente trabalho é resultado de uma pesquisa qualitativa, de cunho descritivo, baseada em uma pesquisa quantitativa anterior, que levantara uma série de questões sobre a produção científica em Administração da Informação (ADI) no Brasil, a partir da análise bibliométrica de artigos selecionados para apresentação no Enanpad nos últimos 10 anos. Tais questões forma expostas aos 55 pesquisadores com maior índice de produção na área, no período de 1997 a 2006, dos quais 39 concordaram em fornecer a sua interpretação dos resultados daquele estudo bibliométrico. Procurou-se sintetizar o olhar crítico desses colegas sobre a questão da autoria dos trabalhos, os tipos de obras incluídos nas citações dos artigos, os principais eventos em cujos anais os autores buscam suporte para suas pesquisas, os periódicos mais utilizados, a idade das referências empregadas, os autores estrangeiros mais citados e a freqüência de citação de autores de referências. O papel desempenhado pela Capes, a consolidação de linhas de pesquisa e o nível de maturidade da área também foram destacados pelos investigadores em ADI. Em geral, os pesquisadores consultados demonstraram possuir uma visão otimista sobre o desenvolvimento dessa área de estudos em Administração no Brasil, encontrando explicações alentadoras para muitos dos achados da pesquisa bibliométrica sobre a qual foram levados a opinar, os quais poderiam ser considerados negativos em uma análise menos profunda e reflexiva

    A internet e a estratégia de internacionalização das empresas brasileiras

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    The Internet has become an important tool to help Brazilian companies to internationalize their businesses. It provides worldwide visibility to companies that have a website and, at the same time, it acts as a broad source of information on what the competitors and potential competitors are doing, regardless of where they are physically located. Nowadays, many Brazilian companies have a website. However, are those companies using this rich tool and the connectivity it provides to accelerate their internationalization and to develop a global competitive edge? This paper addresses this issue, analyzing data gathered by means of a survey applied to 121 manufacturing companies in the state of São Paulo, the most industrialized state in Brazil. The evidence shows that Brazilian manufacturing industry executives believe that the Internet has a significant impact on the internationalization of their businesses, based on its ability to provide company visibility and make sales possible overseas, although it also makes it easier for foreign organizations to enter the national market. Key words: internet, internationalization strategy, entry modes.A Internet está se tornado uma ferramenta importante na internacionalização de empresas de duas maneiras: primeiramente, proporcionando visibilidade mundial às empresas por meio de seus websites, que podem funcionar como “vitrines virtuais” para produtos e serviços, e, em segundo lugar, como uma ampla fonte de informação sobre o que concorrentes atuais e potenciais estão fazendo. O presente trabalho reflete sobre essas possibilidades à luz do referencial teórico da internacionalização e de estudos sobre os impactos da Internet nas organizações. Verifica-se o uso dessa ferramenta por empresas brasileiras e a conectividade que ela proporciona para acelerar o seu processo de internacionalização e desenvolver uma vantagem competitiva global. Isto é feito a partir da análise dos resultados de uma survey que envolveu 121 empresas industriais do estado de São Paulo. De acordo com os dados obtidos, os empresários brasileiros acreditam que a Internet tem impacto significativo na internacionalização do negócio, aumentando a visibilidade e proporcionando a concretização de vendas no exterior, embora também estimule, de forma acentuada, a penetração de empresas estrangeiras no mercado nacional. Palavras-chave: internet, estratégias de internacionalização, modos de entrada

    A internet e a estratégia de internacionalização das empresas brasileiras

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    The Internet has become an important tool to help Brazilian companies to internationalize their businesses. It provides worldwide visibility to companies that have a website and, at the same time, it acts as a broad source of information on what the competitors and potential competitors are doing, regardless of where they are physically located. Nowadays, many Brazilian companies have a website. However, are those companies using this rich tool and the connectivity it provides to accelerate their internationalization and to develop a global competitive edge? This paper addresses this issue, analyzing data gathered by means of a survey applied to 121 manufacturing companies in the state of São Paulo, the most industrialized state in Brazil. The evidence shows that Brazilian manufacturing industry executives believe that the Internet has a significant impact on the internationalization of their businesses, based on its ability to provide company visibility and make sales possible overseas, although it also makes it easier for foreign organizations to enter the national market. Key words: internet, internationalization strategy, entry modes.A Internet está se tornado uma ferramenta importante na internacionalização de empresas de duas maneiras: primeiramente, proporcionando visibilidade mundial às empresas por meio de seus websites, que podem funcionar como “vitrines virtuais” para produtos e serviços, e, em segundo lugar, como uma ampla fonte de informação sobre o que concorrentes atuais e potenciais estão fazendo. O presente trabalho reflete sobre essas possibilidades à luz do referencial teórico da internacionalização e de estudos sobre os impactos da Internet nas organizações. Verifica-se o uso dessa ferramenta por empresas brasileiras e a conectividade que ela proporciona para acelerar o seu processo de internacionalização e desenvolver uma vantagem competitiva global. Isto é feito a partir da análise dos resultados de uma survey que envolveu 121 empresas industriais do estado de São Paulo. De acordo com os dados obtidos, os empresários brasileiros acreditam que a Internet tem impacto significativo na internacionalização do negócio, aumentando a visibilidade e proporcionando a concretização de vendas no exterior, embora também estimule, de forma acentuada, a penetração de empresas estrangeiras no mercado nacional. Palavras-chave: internet, estratégias de internacionalização, modos de entrada

    Project Management and Organizational Studies: Two Sides of the Same Coin?

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    Este ensaio teórico tem o objetivo de debater acerca das diferenças e semelhanças existentes entre organizações tradicionais e organizações temporárias, as quais aqui são consideradas “projetos”. Questiona-se a viabilidade de tratá-las sob uma mesma abordagem organizacional, uma vez que possuem essências completamente distintas. Parte-se do princípio de que organizações sociais são fenômenos multifacetados, portanto podem ser analisados sob diversas óticas. Assim, com base no conhecimento em Gestão de Projetos, especificamente de Escritórios de Gerenciamento de Projetos (Project Management Office), discute-se tais diferenças e semelhanças.This theoretical essay aims to discuss the differences and similarities between traditional and temporary organizations, which are regarded as "projects" here. We question the viability of treating them under the same organizational approach, since they differ in nature. We assume, as a principle, that social organizations are multifaceted phenomena and can, therefore, be analyzed from various perspectives. Thus, based on our expertise in Project Management, in particular in Project Management Offices, we address the differences and similarities between traditional and temporary organizations


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    Theories have multiple roles in a field of knowledge, from the understanding of the causes of a phenomenon to the prevision of its behavior. Thus, analyzing the use and the role of theories in an area of knowledge is a way to understand its genesis and to discuss points to be explored. The objective of this paper is to analyze the use of theories in Information Systems (IS) research in terms of frequency and diversity. We analyzed all papers published in RESI and JISTEM, the two main IS journals in Brazil, from their founding (2002/2004) to 2014, comprising 396 articles. The Gregor taxonomy for analyzing theories (2006) was used; this taxonomy considers different roles of theories, such as analyzing, explanation, prediction, explanation/prediction, design and action. A group of 32 articles cited 18 different theories and each theory was cited by up to two articles. These results were compared with the research of Lim et al. (2009), which identified the most commonly used theories in MIS Quarterly and Information System Research journals: 70% of the 386 analyzed articles employed at least one theory, and the 10 most cited theories are present in 90% of the articles. A much smaller number of papers in national journals use theories (5.3%) and a lower number of different theories are used (18) compared to the papers in American journals (70% and 154). Even considering the differences among the journals, the lower use of theories in Brazilian IS research gives cause for concern.As teorias têm múltiplos papéis em um campo de conhecimento, desde o entendimento das causas de um determinado fenômeno até a previsão do seu comportamento. Desta forma, analisar a utilização e o papel das teorias em uma determinada área do conhecimento é uma forma de compreender a gênese deste campo e de discutir pontos que podem ser explorados. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a utilização de teorias nas pesquisas em ADI em termos de frequência e diversidade. Foram analisados todos os artigos publicados nas revistas RESI e JISTEM (as duas principais revistas sobre o assunto no Brasil) desde a fundação de ambas (2002 e 2004) até 2014, totalizando 396 artigos analisados. A tipologia de Gregor (2006) para análise de teorias foi utilizada. Esta taxonomia considera diferentes papéis de uma teoria: analisar, explicar, predizer, explicar/predizer, desenhar e agir. Um conjunto de 32 artigos citou 18 diferentes teorias, citadas por até 2 artigos. Estes resultados foram comparados com a pesquisa de Lim et al. (2009), que identificaram as teorias mais utilizadas nos periódicos MIS Quarterly e Information System Research: 70% dos 386 artigos analisados empregaram no mínimo uma teoria, e as dez teorias mais citadas estão presentes em 90% dos artigos. As publicações nas revistas brasileiras utilizam menos teorias (5,3%) e menor diversidade de teorias (18) em relação aos artigos das revistas americanas (70% e 154). Mesmo considerando as diferenças entre as revistas, o baixo uso de teorias nas pesquisas brasileiras traz algumas preocupações